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Formation Of Environmental Competence: Theory And Practice

Maloxat Norijonovna Abdukadrova , Tashkent Institute Of Irrigation And Engineers Of Agricultural Mechanization, Associate Professor Of "Ecology And Water Resources Management", Uzbekistan


This article deals with peculiarities of formation of ecological competence as an important part of ecological education. The basis of environmental competence, the basis for its formation as an integral quality is the corresponding knowledge and skills. Ecological competence includes the ability to apply the acquired knowledge, practical activities and behavior for their use and is almost identical to the “ecological culture of the individual”.


Ecological competence, ecochemistry, theory


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Maloxat Norijonovna Abdukadrova. (2021). Formation Of Environmental Competence: Theory And Practice. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(01), 24–28.