The primary objective of The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations (TAJSSEI) is to disseminate high-quality research in the field of horticulture and floriculture to a global audience. To fulfill this mission, TAJSSEI adopts an open-access policy to ensure that research findings are freely accessible to researchers, practitioners, and the public.

  1. Types of Articles: TAJSSEI publishes various types of articles, including research articles, reviews, and short communications. All accepted articles will be made openly accessible, allowing readers to download, share, and cite the content without any barriers.

  2. Author Retention of Copyright: Authors submitting manuscripts to TAJSSEI  retain the copyright of their work. By publishing in TAJSSEI, authors grant the journal the right to publish, distribute, and archive their work while retaining the right to reuse, reproduce, and distribute their manuscripts elsewhere.

  3. Creative Commons License: Authors submitting manuscripts to the Journal agree to publish their work under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). This license allows others to distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the work, even commercially, as long as they credit the author for the original creation. This licensing ensures that the research published in the Journal is freely available to the public while acknowledging the intellectual property rights of the authors.

  4. Publication Charges: TAJSSEI may levy reasonable article processing charges (APCs) to cover the costs associated with the publication process. However, the journal is committed to maintaining a transparent and equitable fee structure, and mechanisms for fee waivers or discounts will be in place to ensure accessibility for authors from diverse backgrounds.

  5. Archiving and Preservation: TAJSSEI is committed to ensuring the long-term preservation of published content. The journal will be archived in recognized digital repositories to guarantee the accessibility and persistence of research articles over time.

  6. Indexing and Discovery: TAJSSEI will actively seek indexing in major databases to enhance the discoverability of published articles. This includes indexing in databases such as Crossref DOI, Google Scholar, Scopus Mendeley Indexing, Harward Hollis Library, WorldCat Indexing, SJIF, Index Copernicus, and others, to broaden the reach and impact of the research published in the journal.

  7. Compliance with Funding Agency Policies: Authors are encouraged to comply with the open-access policies of funding agencies. TAJSSEI supports authors in meeting these requirements by providing information and assistance in the deposition of articles into relevant repositories.

  8. Continuous Review and Improvement: The open-access policy of TAJSSEI will be periodically reviewed to align with the evolving landscape of scholarly communication. The journal is committed to adopting best practices and making adjustments as needed to ensure the widest possible dissemination of research.

  9. Communication of Open-Access Policy: The open-access policy of TAJSSEI is unrestricted online access to scholarly research, allowing users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles. The Journal recognizes the importance of open access in democratizing knowledge and supports the principles outlined in the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI).

This open-access policy is effective as of 2019 and is subject to periodic review and updates by the editorial board of TAJSSEI.