
Country: United States of America


  • Within 7 working days

    Initial Screening

    Submitted manuscripts will be initially screened by the editorial assistant for completeness and to determine if the manuscript meets the general criteria for the journal from the following aspects:

    1. The manuscripts should be within the scope of a specific journal.
    2. The manuscripts should be of acceptable quality.
    3. The manuscripts should compliant with the journal's instruction for authors.
    4. The title should be as brief as possible with no more than 20 words.
    5. All authors of a manuscript should include their full names. Provide the full affiliation for each author including Department, Faculty, University, City, Zip Code, State.
    6. A good abstract (200-350 words) should provide the essence of the manuscript in a concise paragraph.
    7. 3-10 keywords should be included for indexing.
    8. A manuscript should be well organized into logical sections. The preferred order of contents should be as follows: Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. Acknowledgements, Appendix, References.
    9. All references should be numbered sequentially in the text and listed in the same numerical order in the reference section. The section of references should be more than eight.
    10. All references should be cited in the right citation style.
    11. Figures and tables used in the manuscripts should be relevant to the Task, with informative content and high resolution.
    12. Each figure should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and accompanied by an appropriate descriptive caption.
    13. Each table should be numbered consecutively and labeled with an explanatory title.
    14. Equations should be generated using the equation editor embedded in MS Word or Math Type.
    15. Submissions vary from 5 to 20 pages in two-column format (at least 3000 words but no more than 10000 words, inclusive of references).
    16. The Manuscripts must be written in English. The clarity and fluency of the language should be ensured.

    The editorial office will decide to: (a) send the manuscript out for double blind review, (b) request initial revisions prior to the double blind review process, or (c) reject the manuscript. The initial screening result will be sent to the corresponding author via email within 7 working days.

  • Within 3-4 Weeks

    Peer Review

    The journal employs a double-blind peer review system, which is the most important aspect of the publication process of an article. Each manuscript passing initial screening will be subjected to rigorous and anonymous peer-review by a minimum of 3 peer reviewers. Referees who review a manuscript remain unknown to the authors. The journal’s independent status ensures a submission acceptance rate based on merit and not favor, bias, or personal preference. All the reviewers send the editorial assistant a detailed report with their comments and recommendations on the manuscript. Authors receive reviewers’ comments and recommendations from the editorial assistant and they never enter in contact with reviewers. Usually, reviewers will complete their reviews within 3-4 weeks. The reviewers make a recommendation to accept, revise, or reject a manuscript based on the scientific merit and technical quality of the studies reported.

  • Within 15 working days

    Revision after Peer Review

    Authors are required to revise the manuscripts according to the comments of the reviewers and answer all questions raised by reviewers in a cover letter. Any revisions should be marked out. The revised manuscripts and cover letters are required to be sent to us via email in MS Word or LaTex format within 15 working days. If you are submitting in LaTeX, please convert the files to PDF beforehand (you will also need to send your LaTeX source files together with the PDF). Upon resubmission, the academic editor may choose to return the manuscript to the reviewers for additional review, or may render a decision of accepting, recommending modification or rejecting based on his/her personal expertise.


    Plagiarism is considered as a serious offense. All submissions must be original works. The revised manuscripts after peer review will be screened by a plagiarism detection software and we mainly use Turnitin. The author will be required to clarify regarding the plagiarized manuscript within one week if it is found to be suspected of plagiarism during any stages even after publication. Without a reasonable and timely explanation, the manuscript will be automatically rejected or removed from the system. See our Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement for more detailed information.

  • Within 7 working days

    Acceptance Letters

    After the revision process, qualified manuscripts will be accepted for publication. The Acceptance Letters will be sent to the corresponding authors within 7 working days.

    Article Charge Processing

    In an open access model, we promise that readers don’t pay for the subscription fee to access online published articles. For authors, only some fundamental costs like editing, production and peer- review are included to maintain normal operations of our company. These Article Processing Charges(APC) are only used to support publishers to make the published articles freely available to all readers. The payment option in our Online Manuscript Tracking System is disabled by default for each manuscript and it is only enabled when the manuscript has been accepted for publication. In that case, authors do not need to make payment until their manuscripts have been reviewed and accepted for publication. The charge is a flat and single charge without additional costs.

  • Within 3 working days

    Proof Reading

    Proofreading is the final stage of the editing process. The USA Journals will conduct efficient and thorough proofreading process for all the accepted manuscripts. The proofs will be sent to the authors for final confirmation and authors get the chance of checking before publication. Proofs should be checked and returned within 3 days, or they will be regarded as the final version.

  • A Week after Publication

    Publication Notification

    After the article is released on the journal’s website, a publication notification will be sent to the corresponding author with links to the article.