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Symbolic meanings of white color in turkish folk ceremony

Selma Ozan Yujel , Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, 2nd year master’s student, Faculty of Turkish Studies, Linguistics, Uzbekistan


The concept of color is versatile in meaning.  In particular, the figurative meanings and symbolic uses of colors vary from society to society and from person to person. A world without color is unimaginable and bleak. That is why there has never been a time when colors did not fascinate humanity. Every civilation has myths and associations about color. This article aims to explain with examples the symbolic meaning of white color in birth, wedding and mourning ceremonies, which are stated as transition periods of life in Turkish folklore.


Folklore, symbol, ceremony


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Selma Ozan Yujel. (2025). Symbolic meanings of white color in turkish folk ceremony. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 7(01), 53–56.