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Tashmukhamedova Diloram Gafurdjanovana , Phd In Medical Science, Independent Researcher Of National University Of Uzbekistan Named After Mirzo Ulugbek, Uzbekistan


This article discusses the main results and conclusions of a study conducted in schools in Uzbekistan, the main purpose of which is the presence of schoolchildren in Uzbekistan in the digital environment (Internet, social networks) and their impact on the well-being and health of adolescents. The study showed that children, especially in high school, are more “advanced” in communicating with computer equipment and smartphones, in knowing computer programs and navigating the Internet than parents and teachers.


Digital, Internet, cyberbullying


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An interview with the director of Tashkent's private school "Leader."

An interview with the class teacher at Tashkent's Private School "Leader."

An interview with a psychologist at Tashkent's Private School "Leader."

An interview with the class teacher at Tashkent's School No. 163.

An interview with a psychologist at Tashkent's School No. 163.

An interview with the director of Karshi’s School No. 25.

An interview with a computer science teacher at School No. 25, Karshi.

An interview with a psychologist at School No. 25, Karshi.

An interview with a psychologist at School No. 85 in Dekhkanabad, Kashkadarya region.

An interview with the class teacher of School No. 5 in Ferghana.

An interview with a psychologist at School No. 5, Ferghana.

A focus group with the parents of students of the Private School "Leader" in Tashkent.

Аслонова , Л. 2023. Сравнительно-правовой анализ закрепления права на науку в конституциях стран мира. Общество и инновации. 4, 1/S (янв. 2023), 186–195. DOI:

A focus group with the parents of students, School No. 85, Dehkanabad Kashkadar. region

A focus group with the parents of students of School No. 25 in Karshi.

A focus group with parents of students at School No. 20, Rishtan, Fergana Valley

Аслонова , Л. 2022. История возникновения конституционного права на свободу научного творчества . Общество и инновации. 3, 11/S (дек. 2022), 235–245. DOI:

A focus group with the parents of students of School No. 5 in Fergana.

A focus group with students from School No. 5 in Fergana.

A focus group with students of the “Leader” School in Tashkent.

A focus group with students of School No. 163 in Tashkent.

A focus group with students from Karshi School No. 25.

A focus group with students of School No. 85 in Dekhkanabad, Kashkadarya region.

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Tashmukhamedova Diloram Gafurdjanovana. (2023). WHAT TEENAGERS ARE INTERESTED IN ONLINE AND HOW MUCH TIME THEY SPEND THERE: OPINIONS OF PARENTS, TEACHERS, AND SCHOOLCHILDREN. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 5(09), 12–17.