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Sh.Sh.Shokirov , Independent Researcher Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Uzbekistan


it is important to rely on public opinion and ensure social cooperation in the prevention of crime and crime, to study the views of public opinion on today's events. As a result of the identification of emerging problems in society, their solutions can also be found. The article discusses the possibilities of public opinion in preventing crime and crime.

The role of public opinion in the prevention of crimes and the positive aspects of the implementation of public control over the state organization ensure the openness and accountability of the activities of this body. These processes are analyzed in the article based on the experience of the pioneers.


Crime, tradition, public opinion


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Sh.Sh.Shokirov. (2023). IN THE PREVENTION OF CRIME AND CRIME RELYING ON PUBLIC OPINION AND PROVIDING SOCIAL COOPERATION. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 5(08), 17–22.