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Milan Mašát , The Department Of Czech Language And Literature, Faculty Of Education, Palacký University Olomouc, Czechia


In the contribution, we present the legislative arrangement of Czech education, using the example of the role, rights, and duties of school principals. In the second part of the contribution, we present our proposals for improving the situation in impact and compliance with currently valid Czech standards. We propose options for optimizing the legal regulation of education and their effective implementation in practice. In summary, there should be a greater degree of transparency in the training of teaching staff and school principals, the introduction of an optional direct teaching obligation for school principals, the introduction of mechanisms to make teachers and principals more familiar with current legal school standards and changes to them, or the development of a unified and coherent concept of teaching within a single school. We are aware that our proposed solutions have their limits. The most significant is the increase in the administrative burden on school principals: however, we believe that without the introduction of transparent and verifiable mechanisms to check the fulfilment of certain obligations, it will not be possible to check the obligations in question.


Director, education legislation, interview


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Milan Mašát. (2023). LEGAL STANDARDS IN EDUCATION AND THEIR IMPACT ON SCHOOL FUNCTIONING: THE CASE OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 5(07), 82–90.