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Mirjalol Olimovich Ziyaev , Lecturer, "Mendeleyev" Private School, Dangara District, Fergana Region Uzbekistan


This article discusses approaches to the study of appreciative speech acts in linguistics. Speech acts are also important in reflecting the speaker’s subjective attitude to reality. The speaker expresses his negative or positive assessment of reality through speech acts. For example, if the speaker is dissatisfied with an event that occurred in reality, he expresses his subjective attitude to this reality through a speech act of objection, when the speaker feels gratitude, he uses a positive speech act of gratitude, etc. It is understood that speech acts serve not only the purpose of the speaker’s exchange of information, but also the purpose of expressing his assessment of reality.


Assessment of reality, appreciative speech, speaker’s subjective attitude


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Mirjalol Olimovich Ziyaev. (2023). APPROACHES TO THE STUDY OF APPRECIATIVE SPEECH ACTS IN LINGUISTICS. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 5(07), 71–80.