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Qualities Of Magical Encounters And Impact Of Consideration

Yashwant Kusum, Umesh Kumar Chandra , Department Of Psychology, Amity University Patna, India


Otherworldly encounters have consistently been concentrated with a feeling of amazement
and mystery both by the laypersons just as the researchers. Today because of headways in
Spiritual Brain science, Cognizance studies and Consideration examines, they are being
explored from a logical point of view. Subsequently a few highlights, identify in gcriteria, and
one of a kind quality of these encounters have surfaced in scientific research works. The
utilizations of otherworldliness have spread into such hitherto new settings like working
environments, medical clinics, and instructive establishments with many studies on the effect
of profound/magical encounters on a few important variables. In any case, numerous
scientists don't know about the examination contemplates in this rising territory.


otherworldly encounters, contemplation


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Yashwant Kusum, Umesh Kumar Chandra. (2022). Qualities Of Magical Encounters And Impact Of Consideration. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(06), 7–11.