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Formation Of Students 'Practical Skills In Technical Higher Education Institution And Production Enterprise

Uygun Abdullayevich Urinov , Doctor Of Philosophy In Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), Bukhara Engineering Technological Institute, Uzbekistan


This article presents methods and techniques for shaping and developing students’ practical skills through collaboration between the higher education systems and manufacturing enterprises. At the same time, the concept of "Learning" is widely covered by students: learning by imitation, by habit, by success, by trying, by making mistakes, by learning, by comprehension, by understanding. This reflects a four-step approach to develop practical skills of the student. Step 1 - Explanation - Interest - Information. Step 2 - Demonstration. Step 3 - Return as shown. Step 4 - Practise. The following scientific conclusions are made on the "four-step" method of learning: 1. Assimilation (learning), 2. "Learning through conditional reflexes" through repetition, 3. Stimulation (praise) on the results achieved in mastering. It is shown that actions within the reference text method are performed as follows: 1. Data collection. 2. Planning. 3. Decision making. 4. Implementation. 5. Checking. 6. Conclusion. In order to apply the project method in the whole process of practical training, the projects will be as follows: 1. Exact limited task, 2. Task is complex from the point of view of students and requires them to apply existing knowledge in other situations. 3. Independently perform a new task according to the plan with the acquired knowledge and skills. Students are described to use methods to build their skills and competencies at a high level through reference text and project methods. In the final stage, methods of assessing the practical skills formed in students are presented.


Learning, comprehension


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Uygun Abdullayevich Urinov. (2020). Formation Of Students ’Practical Skills In Technical Higher Education Institution And Production Enterprise. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(10), 313–320.