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Role Of Phonetic Borrowing In The Formation Of Medical Terms In The Chinese Language

Lola Akmalovna Sultanova , Senior Lecturer, Department Of Chinese Philology, Faculty Of Chinese Studies, Tashkent State University Of Oriental Studies, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Many elements of foreign languages have been incorporated into Chinese throughout its long history. However, the issue of borrowing from a foreign language in Chinese is of great interest. The study of this problem, along with the theoretical, is of great practical importance. Ignorance of the methods of borrowing foreign vocabulary, its features and structure, the inability to distinguish sound borrowing from words of Chinese origin quite often confuses the translator and leads to semantic errors.  Borrowing vocabulary can occur verbally (phonetic) and written (semantic).  Loans in Chinese can be of four types: phonetic; semantic; semi-semantic, semi-phonetic; hybrid type, where elements of both languages are present. This article discusses the types of phonetic borrowing and their role in the formation of medical terminology in the Chinese language.



Borrowed vocabulary, , medical terminology


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Ivanov V.V. Terminology and Borrowings in Modern Chinese. 1973.

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Sultanova L.A.《汉乌俄医学小词典》. Chinese-Uzbek-Russian dictionary of medical terms. ToshDSHI, 2012.B. 315.

汉俄医学大词典 –北京。人民卫生出版社。2006年。1763页。еf/literature/0 _object 39535.htmil

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Lola Akmalovna Sultanova. (2020). Role Of Phonetic Borrowing In The Formation Of Medical Terms In The Chinese Language. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(10), 223–226.