Improving Innovative Training And National Spiritualty For Tourism Education: Developing Hospitality Prospects In Uzbekistan
Khamrayev Siroj , Master Student: “Silk Road” International University Of Tourism, Uzbekistan Mukhammadmurod Yorkulov , Master Student: “Silk Road” International University Of Tourism, UzbekistanAbstract
The education system is forever changing, with the purpose of improving young people’s chances of employment, supplying the market with sufficient quantities of competitive, skilled workers of quality [Zsarnoczky, 2015]. This is especially true for the field of tourism and hospitality, for this industry has become one of the most dynamically growing segments of today’s economy, in quantitative terms [Forgács and Loboda, 2003]. In order to make it an important part of the national economy, the quality of innovative training and ensuring that there will be new generations of professionals is just as important as making use of natural resources and advantages and innovative training gives us opportunity to teach and prepare tourism experts and they are trained for finding new prospects of tourism. The aims of this research paper are to explore the actual effect of innovative training in tourism education and hospitality, to investigate current quality of teaching tourism as a subject in higher education system: colleges, institutions and universities of Uzbekistan and analyze the importance of innovative training in tourism education and developing hospitality prospects in Uzbekistan.
Innovative training, tourism education, hospitality prospects
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