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The Role And Demographic Situation Of The Southern Regions In The Economy Of Uzbekistan In 1970-1990

Zhovli Narzullaevich Tursunov , Candidate Of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Of Faculty Of Law Civil Society, Termez State University, Uzbekistan


This article is an interdisciplinary study that analyzes the historical demographic processes in Uzbekistan and its southern regions. Based on the archival documents first introduced into scientific circulation, the statistics reveal the problems of the demographic situation of the population as a result of the neglect of local conditions and peculiarities in Soviet policy, as well as the peculiarities of the migration process.


Geographical location, national economy, cotton ginning, light fegorose, tea weaving, demographic processes


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Tursunov, Z. N. . (2021). The Role And Demographic Situation Of The Southern Regions In The Economy Of Uzbekistan In 1970-1990. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(05), 261–265.