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An Analysis Of Words Whose Emotional Meaning Changes In Modern English Linguistics

Rahmonov Ulugbek , Doctorate Andijan State University, Uzbekistan


The article is devoted to the problems of interdependence of concepts and lexical meanings. Here are examples of changes in the meaning of emotional words and how these words come in different meanings. It is known from history that words change their emotional meaning entirely by chance, that is, they show that people are changing their views as social or political events change. Words that describe a person’s state of mind, their inner mood, no matter how strong or affective they are, gradually begin to lose their power and eventually lose any sensitivity and become obsolete. But that doesn’t mean they’re out of the emotional vocabulary. They simply point out that it has lost its effectiveness and is often an emotional phenomenon. Words that express the same strong emotion gradually weaken the zeal of that emotion.


Emotional vocabulary, emotional meaning, expressiveness


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Rahmonov Ulugbek. (2021). An Analysis Of Words Whose Emotional Meaning Changes In Modern English Linguistics. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(01), 136–142.