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Modern Pedagogical Technologies Of Teaching The Russian Language At The University

Tuychibaeva Sh.Sh. , Senior Lecturer of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan


The entry of the Republic of Uzbekistan into the world market, the expansion of international relations necessitates the formation of the language culture of students in foreign languages, especially world languages, which include the Russian language.

The purpose of this work is to show the possibilities of using modern pedagogical technologies and techniques in teaching Russian to students of national groups. The objectives of the study are determined by the following: presentation of innovative learning models, description of the methods used and methods of organizing the learning process based on the experience of teaching the Russian language. comparative and descriptive methods were used. The article reveals the possibilities of using innovative teaching methods in the practical course of the Russian language. The concept of "innovative learning" is defined, which includes a personal approach, fundamental education, creativity, professionalism, use of the latest technologies. The tasks of innovative teaching are indicated, including: optimization of the teaching and educational process, creation of an environment for cooperation between a teacher and a student, development of long-term positive motivation for learning, selection of material and methods of its presentation. Describes the variety of technologies and techniques that have become widespread in pedagogical practice and used in the practical course of the Russian language. Their choice is determined by the goals, objectives, stages of the lesson, the level of students' knowledge. Particular attention is paid to methods and technologies of innovative teaching. The author dwells separately on such techniques as: "fish skeleton", "chain", "matching", "scissors", "T-diagram", "Venn diagram", "5-minute essay". The effectiveness of the use of multimedia presentations in the learning process is substantiated.


Innovation, goals and objectives of learning, level of knowledge, stage


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Tuychibaeva Sh.Sh. (2021). Modern Pedagogical Technologies Of Teaching The Russian Language At The University. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(01), 115–119.