Adaptation Of Students To The Conditions Of Educational Institution
Dilrabo Inatovna Mukumova , Associate Professor Of "Pedagogy, Psychology And Teaching Methods", Phd In Pedagogical Sciences, Tashkent Institute Of Irrigation And Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Uzbekistan Feruza Nigmatovna Umarova , Senior Lecturer Of The English Department, Tashkent Institute Of Irrigation And Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Uzbekistan Sevara Bakhodirovna Yarova , Independent Researcher Of The Department Of Pedagogy, Psychology And Teaching Methodology, Tashkent Institute Of Irrigation And Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, UzbekistanAbstract
Adaptation of students to the conditions of the educational institution, to the mode of its work is a prerequisite for determining the success of student learning at any professional educational institution. The most important condition for the emergence and development of a professional orientation, and then the formation of a specialist, is an interest in special subjects. If a student has aroused interest in the subject, this is the merit of the teacher.
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