The Importance Of Interdisciplinary Integration In Preparing Future Vocational Education Teachers For Professional Activities
Kakhramon Tanzilovich Olimov , Doctor Of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Ministry Of Preschool Education, Uzbekistan Shahlo Sadullaevna Sharipova , Doctor Of Philosophy Phd, Institute For Retraining And Advanced Training Of Preschool Education Personnel And Managers, UzbekistanAbstract
This article highlights the importance of interdisciplinary integration in preparing future vocational education teachers for professional work, interdisciplinary relationships, mechanisms for forming professional competencies in the development of student learning activities, and pedagogical conditions for effective interdisciplinary integration. The emphasis is placed on systematic inclusion of university teachers in achieving the goals and objectives of building professional competence of students through interdisciplinary integration.
Interdisciplinary, interdisciplinary integration, professional activities
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