Improving The Professional Competence Of The Teacher In The Course Of Project Activities Of Students
Shavkat Ergashevich Kurbanov , Doctor Of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Institute Of Pedagogical Innovations, Management Of Vocational Education And Training And Retraining Of Teachers, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Nozima Ravshanovna Pulatova , People Named After Abdulla Avloni Postdoctoral Fellow Of The Institute Of Retraining And Advanced Training Of Education And Leadership, Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
The article is devoted to theoretical aspects of formation of professional competence ofteachers through joint design activities with students. The Genesis of the development of theconcept of “professional competence” based on the analysis of various sources is discussed.The term “professional competence” is considered and its main components are made. Thearticle high lights project activities in the modern paradigm of education.
Professional competence, project activity, individual
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