Formation Of Universal Training Activities In The Implementation Of Homework At Physical Training Lessons
Muhiddin Najimovich Norkobilov , Head Of The Department Of Physical Culture And Sport, Tashkent Institute Of Irrigation And Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Uzbekistan Farkhod Alisherovich Tashpulatov , Associate Professor Of The Department Of Professional Psychology, Physical Education And Sport, Tashkent Financial Institute, Uzbekistan Akbar Togaevich Primkulov , Assistant, Tashkent Institute Of Irrigation And Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, UzbekistanAbstract
The specifics of the homework system that meets state educational standards is described. The analysis of a number of training programs developed in accordance with state educational standards is presented and an approximate plan of homework is developed, characterized by the systematic use of homework that meets the requirements of state educational standards.
state educational standard, Curriculum, homework system
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