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Nsairun Léonard Yuyun , The University Of Bamenda, Cameroon
Zobo Onono Zachée , PhD, The University of Bamenda, Cameroon


The body, whether normal or pathological, places the person at the center of interactions. Our study focuses on the deficient body, located at the first level of personal factors in the process of producing disability situations. It helps to understand the difficulties of social inclusion of the person because of their physical failures. The approach to the body and disability is the one chosen in this contribution. This approach is that of the physical modalities and the relationship to the world of the person living with a disability. The body of the person with a disability, through its multiple malformations, dysfunctions, postures and specific rhythms, its different techniques and uses of the body, limits its capacities for empowerment, adaptation and inclusion. Due to its differences, dissimilarities, its inability to perform a task, its incompetence, its monstrous character, its fragility, ... the deficient body is seen and recognized as an antisocial body. Because it resists socialization and is treated as non-standard, non-productive, non-compliant and unsuitable.


Body, Individual and Society, Disabling personal situation


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Nsairun Léonard Yuyun, & Zobo Onono Zachée. (2024). LE CORPS. ELEMENT SUBJECTIF DU PROCESSUS DE PRODUCTION DE HANDICAP. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 6(11), 115–128.