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Adilya Trigulova , Associate Professor of the Department of Music Theory and Methodology of the Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, PhD, Uzbekistan


The intonation theory of B.V. Asafiev is a methodological basis for theoretical musicology, all types of musical performance and musical-pedagogical activity. However, the problem of using this concept in the training of school music teachers is not fully applied in the educational process, from which a conclusion is made about the need for its development and implementation in the educational process of pedagogical universities.


Intonation theory, teacher-musician, multidisciplinary


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Adilya Trigulova. (2024). THE SIGNIFICANCE OF B.V. ASAFYEV’S INTONATION THEORY IN THE INSTRUMENTAL-PERFORMANCE TRAINING OF A MUSIC TEACHER. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 6(09), 192–195.