Khonnazarov Elyor Gofurovich , Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in philological sciences, Senior teacher of Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi, UzbekistanAbstract
This article provides information about the role of the semantic factor in modeling verb tenses for Uzbek language corpora. Determining the relation of speech to time is important in the process of morphological analysis. It is known that space and time are the fundamental form of existence, and any information, action, situation has signs of time and space. Understanding the relationship of information to time is an important condition for understanding changes in the world. Time determines the time of occurrence of certain events and situations, and thus they are arranged in sequence in memory, as well as how long they lasted. The need to ensure the automatic implementation of analyzes of the relationship of information to time increases the practical importance of the issue of annotating grammatical forms of tense.
Verb, tense, past tense
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