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Buana Dwii , Binus University, Indonesia
Bassey, Pius John , University of Uyo, Nigeria


The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has created new opportunities for transforming educational delivery and learning experiences. Understanding students' perspectives on AI's integration in education is essential to navigating its potential benefits and challenges. This study investigates the perceptions of university students in Indonesia regarding the use of AI in educational settings. A quantitative descriptive survey was conducted with 200 students from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at Bengkulu University, utilizing a perception scale adapted from Buabbas et al. (2023). Data analysis included descriptive statistics and the Chi-Square test. The results revealed that the majority of students hold positive views on AI’s role in education, recognizing its potential to enhance learning experiences and broaden access to educational resources. However, several concerns were raised, particularly regarding the potential replacement of teachers by AI, the diminished human interaction in learning processes, and issues surrounding data privacy and security. These findings highlight the dual nature of students' perceptions: while they appreciate AI's ability to augment education, there is a prevailing concern over the loss of essential human elements in teaching and the implications for personal privacy. The study concludes that, while AI offers significant promise in reshaping education, its implementation must be approached with caution. A human-centered strategy that emphasizes the complementary role of teachers, along with stringent protections for student data privacy, is necessary. Further research is recommended to deepen understanding of AI’s long-term impacts on the educational experience.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, educational delivery, learning experiences


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Buana Dwii, & Bassey, Pius John. (2024). EMBRACING AI IN EDUCATION: INDONESIAN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ PERSPECTIVES ON OPPORTUNITIES AND CONCERNS. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 6(09), 140–150.