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Amirbek Tagbayev , Researcher, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan


It is known that in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, animal husbandry developed in its own way, as one of the important industries along with agriculture. The favorable climate of the southern oasis and the availability of wide pastures are important in this. The scientific study of this area has been widely analyzed in the studies of ethnographers such as B. Karmisheva, K. Shoniyozov, I. Hidoyatov, N. Borozna. Among them, the work of B. Kh. Karmisheva is also important, the scientist distinguishes four types of animal husbandry in his works. These are the portable method, the plowing-pasture method, the plowing method and the plowing method. The article reveals the specific aspects, differences, similarities, and gradual development of these methods over time. In addition, an attempt was made to reveal the types of livestock, their distribution by regions and breeds. In the course of the article, it was emphasized that the economic activities and traditional activities of the residents of the Central Asian region have ancient historical experiences and are distinguished by their own characteristics. It has been shown on the basis of various sources that the inhabitants of the oasis are considered one of the peoples with an ancient sedentary culture, which preserved and improved the traditions of their ancestors for thousands of years. B.Kh. Karmisheva said that the descendants of large tribes such as Transoxiana Turks, Kungyrot, Lokai, Karluq, Turks, who came from the Dashti Kipchak, from the tribes that were formerly nomads, were herdsmen. It tries to reveal on the basis of field materials that they were driven to the steppe meadows, and how cattle breeding affected their way of life.


ethnography, nomadic tribes, Southern region


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Amirbek Tagbayev. (2024). ISSUES OF LIVESTOCK FARMING IN THE RESEARCH OF B. KH. KARMISHEVA. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 6(09), 98–103.