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Khurriyat Nishonova , Researcher of Namangan State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


Comics have emerged as a potent tool for enhancing engagement and comprehension in primary school education. This article explores the efficacy of utilizing comics to cultivate pupils' interest in lessons. By amalgamating visual storytelling with educational content, comics offer a dynamic and captivating medium to captivate young learners. Through an examination of relevant research and practical examples, this article elucidates how incorporating comics into the curriculum can stimulate curiosity, facilitate retention, and promote critical thinking skills among primary school pupils. Furthermore, it delves into the strategies educators can employ to integrate comics effectively into lesson plans, ensuring an enriching and immersive learning experience. By harnessing the inherent appeal of comics, educators can nurture a love for learning and empower pupils to explore complex concepts with enthusiasm and creativity.


Comics, Education, Primary School


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Khurriyat Nishonova. (2024). THE POWER OF COMICS: FOSTERING PRIMARY SCHOOL PUPILS’ INTEREST IN ENGLISH LESSONS. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 6(09), 80–83.