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Eyen Werendeng Loveline , Department of Curriculum Studies and Teaching, Faculty of Education of the University of Buea Cameroon


This study was designed to examine primary information sources and its impact on the quality of postgraduate dissertations and theses in the University of Buea. The study was guided by one main objective and a major hypothesis. Supported by the Information Quality Theory by William H. Dutton (1999). The study employed a mixed – method approach using the explanatory sequential research design. The sample was made up of 240 postgraduate students, 85 academic staff and 15 faculties’ officials (Deans, Vice-Deans – in - charge of research as well as coordinators of post graduate school of the faculties concern). The sampling techniques employed for this study was a multi stage sampling consisting of purposive sampling and the simple random sampling. The instruments use for data collection were a questionnaire for postgraduate students and academic staff and an interview guide for university administrators (Deans, Vice-Deans – in - charge of research as well as coordinators of post graduate school of the faculties concern). Data from close ended questions was analysed using SPSS 23.0, with the aid of descriptive and inferential statistical tools while open ended questions were analysed thematically. The Spearman’s rho was used to test the research hypotheses formulated in the study. The descriptive findings indicated that, over 90% of students and 95% of staff responses to the questionnaire revealed that primary information sources are important in dissertation/thesis. From the thematic analysis, faculty officials hold that primary sources of information are the best and should be compulsory for students to use in research. The hypothesis test indicated that, primary sources of information significantly impact the quality of dissertation/thesis carried out by postgraduate students. Therefore, based on the findings, a general recommendation is to implement a university-wide policy that mandates the use of primary sources in all postgraduate dissertations and theses. This policy should be supported by comprehensive guidelines outlining the types of acceptable primary sources and their significance in academic research. Additionally, the university should provide resources and training to help students effectively locate and utilize these sources, ensuring that their research is grounded in authentic and credible information. This approach will not only enhance the quality of academic work but also foster a culture of rigorous scholarship within the institution.


Primary Sources, Information, Postgraduate Dissertations and Theses and University of Buea


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Eyen Werendeng Loveline. (2024). PRIMARY SOURCES OF INFORMATION AND ITS IMPACT ON THE QUALITY OF POSTGRADUATE DISSERTATIONS AND THESES IN THE UNIVERSITY OF BUEA. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 6(09), 44–57.