Mukhtarjon A. Umataliyev , PhD Student, Namangan State University, UzbekistanAbstract
The purpose of this article is to introduce students to the genre of still life, to define concepts such as “method”, “painting”, “still life painting”, “painting”, “painting technique”, “technique of working with painting materials” and based on them, the technique of working with painting materials dedicated to clarifying the important methods and ways to master in the example of still life painting.
Painting, still life, composition, proportion
Baymetov Botir Boltaboevich Formation of the skills of portraying the future teacher of fine arts in pencil drawing ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal Year: 2020, Volume: 10, Issue:5 Firstpage: (1122)
Botir Boltabaevich Baymetov, Muratov Khusan Kholmuratovich, Self Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3) ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651- 446X 30493 Sketches as a Tool in the Professional Training of a Future Artist-Teacher. Vol. 63. No. 2, (2020) @ www. solidstatetechnology. us
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Байметов Ботир Болтабаевич.ТАСВИРИЙ САНЪАТ ДАРСЛАРИДА ҲАРАКАТДАГИ ИНСОНЛАРНИ ҲОМАКИ ТАРЗДА ТАСВИРЛАШ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯЛАРИ. 2022/7. Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal. Том 1, номер 4. Стр.136-139. "Science and Education" Scientific Journal / June 2023 / Volume 4 Issue 6 ISSN 2181-0842 / Impact Factor 3.848 791
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BB Baymetov. Methods of performing short-term images of the human body from different perspectives and conditions." Science and Education" Scientific Journal 2 2021 (357-365)
Baymetov, B. B., & Sharipjonov, M. S. O. (2020). Development Of Students’ Descriptive Competencies In Pencil Drawing Practice. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(08), 261-267. "Science and Education" Scientific Journal /
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