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Elang Nasution , Gde Pudja Mataram State Hindu Religion College, Indonesia


In multicultural societies, immigrant enclaves serve as focal points where diverse cultures intersect, presenting unique challenges and opportunities for intercultural communication. This study explores the dynamics of intercultural communication within immigrant regions, aiming to uncover the factors that shape interactions among individuals from different cultural backgrounds. Drawing upon theoretical frameworks from intercultural communication studies, sociology, and anthropology, this research examines the role of language, identity, power dynamics, and acculturation processes in shaping communication patterns in immigrant enclaves. Through qualitative analysis of ethnographic data and interviews with residents, this study sheds light on the complexities of navigating cultural diversity and negotiating meaning within these heterogeneous spaces. The findings offer insights into the mechanisms of cultural adaptation, conflict resolution, and identity negotiation, contributing to a deeper understanding of intercultural communication in immigrant communities.


Intercultural Communication, Immigrant Enclaves, Multicultural Societies


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Elang Nasution. (2024). CROSSING BORDERS: INVESTIGATING INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION IN IMMIGRANT ENCLAVES OF MULTICULTURAL SOCIETIES. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 6(05), 56–60.