Oydin Zafardinovna Turdiyeva , Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
After the Islamic Revolution of 1979, which ended the king's reign of two centuries, changes took place in the socio-political and spiritual-cultural life of the country. These changes also had an impact on Iranian literature. While on the one hand, in the first years after the revolution, these changes manifested themselves in the strengthening of the principles of Islamisation of cultural and spiritual life, in the last decades the writers' work has been moving away from these foundations, the desire for new themes, formal and stylistic explorations, and the desire to describe reality in a new way have become stronger.
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راضیه تجارهم سیب هم ستاره.تهران2007/1386
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