Durbek MAKHKAMOV , DSc. Associate Professor, Tashkent state university of law, UzbekistanAbstract
This article analyzes concepts aimed at regulating flora and the specific experience of foreign countries. At the same time, the impact of digitalization and the development of artificial intelligence on flora legislation and its future prospects is scientifically discussed. The current state of legislation, scientific and theoretical opinions of scientists, and issues of improving legislation in this area were also studied in detail. Theoretical and legal aspects of implementing the tasks of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development, the importance of information and communication technologies in the regulation of flora, the need for zoning for the protection of flora, and legal aspects of ensuring biological safety are considered. Within the framework of the digital economy, opinions were expressed on the legal aspects of the introduction of modern and advanced information and communication technologies in the field of protection and use of flora, as well as issues of organizing a regulatory consortium through artificial intelligence. The application of legal (criminal and administrative) measures of responsibility for encroachment on objects of flora in legislation and scientific and practical conclusions in comparison with foreign experience are presented. In addition, the author’s conclusions about existing problems and their solutions in legislation on the protection of flora objects are presented.
Objects of flora, artificial intelligence, digitalization
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