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Khasanova Nozimakhon , Teacher, Pedagogy and Psychology Department Alphaganus University, Uzbekistan


The peculiarities of the attitude of the individual to the disease and treatment in diabetes mellitus are analyzed in the article. The research is conducted in the frames of a biopsychosocial approach towards health and disease (G.Engel), V.N.Myasischev’s theory of attitudes. The tutorial “Attitude type towards disease” (L.Vasserman) was used as a research method.

At all stages of the development of medical science, there was a violation of the therapeutic order. As early as the Hippocratic era, the problem of loyalty and the patient's lying about taking the drug was an urgent issue. Despite the changes in medical practice and in-depth reforms, the problem of adherence to doctor's recommendations remains relevant even in the current period, over the past decade this direction has become the subject of independent scientific research not only in medical practice but also in clinical psychology.

The phenomenon of treatment adherence is considered in the science of psychology from the side of various approaches, theories, structures, and factors. Hence, there are loyalty models of biomedical, behavioral, communicative, cognitive, and self-management (e.g., L. Myers, K. Evidence, 1998; M.X. Karamyan, 2010).

I.E. Leppic gives a broad definition of compliance- basically: it represents the type of patient Hulk, the degree of complability, and the pursuit of purpose. In his views, the scientist includes the patient's taking the medicine on the Hulk, regular visits to the hospital, and proper adherence to the doctor's instructions. The absence of complacency can be explained in a narrow framework as follows: the patient takes the drug in the wrong dose (in very small quantities or overstates), how many times does not follow the procedure of administration and duration, or takes another drug that the doctor does not recommend at all. In particular, the issues of adherence to treatment in diabetes have not been studied by scientists from Uzbekistan. However, B.X. Shagazatova (2004) on the issue of improving the basics of medical social care and treatment-prevention measures, D.I. Ilkhamova (2003) – characteristics of the sex of the age of an individual in cardiovascular diseases, M.X. Karamyan-conducted research on the nature of the value relationship of the attitude to health.

An analysis of the work devoted to the attitude to treatment and commitment to therapy shows that, in general, the question of its basis in diabetes mellitus, in the second – of the connection between the commitment to treatment and the motivational – values of the individual is little studied. In other words, despite our understanding of the importance of psychological factors in the constructive formation of the attitude to treatment, research on the dependence of loyalty on individual-motivational characteristics was found in patients with Type 1 and Type 2 sugar diabetes.


Personality, disease, diabetes mellitus


Question y health

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Khasanova Nozimakhon. (2023). PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF PERSONAL ATTITUDE TO DIABETES DISEASE. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 5(12), 104–112.