Tolkin Alimardonov , Doctor Of Political Sciences, Professor, Renaissance University Of Education The Republic Of Uzbekistan, Tashkent City, UzbekistanAbstract
This article is devoted to analyzing the role, position and high state heritage of Amir Temur and Yildirim Boyazid, two great leaders of the Turkish Muslim world and a statesman on the world political scene. The object of analytical research is focused on the geopolitical conflicts between the states in the Eurasian region in the XIV century. The development of processes in international relations is based on the content of Amir Temur's 1395 letter to Yildirim Boyazid in Shervan. As a source, this letter clarifies the common goals of the two great leaders, and they are different, sometimes conflicting views on their relationship. The status and influence of the two Muslim states, which in their time aimed to change the landscape of the political world, are given scientific conclusions about the balance of power in the region, the causes of conflict, conflicts of interest, subsequent events and their outcome.
politics, region, territorial
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