Jabborov Anvar Mansurjonovich , Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute, Uzbekistan Sharibayev Nosir Yusupjanovich , Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute, Uzbekistan Sharopaliyev Hamrobek Nizomjon o‘g‘li , Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute, UzbekistanAbstract
This article examines the role of sports psychology in designing children’s playgrounds to support developmental needs. Sports psychology, typically associated with athletic performance, offers valuable insights into motivation, resilience, and social interaction that can be translated into playground design. This interdisciplinary approach aims to create play environments that not only promote physical activity but also cater to the psychological and social development of children. The article explores how principles of sports psychology can be integrated into playground design to enhance cognitive development, emotional well-being, and social skills in children.
Sports psychology, Playground design, Child development
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Copyright (c) 2023 Jabborov Anvar Mansurjonovich, Sharibayev Nosir Yusupjanovich, Sharopaliyev Hamrobek Nizomjon o‘g‘li

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