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Sharibayev Nosir Yusupjanovich , Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute, Uzbekistan
Djurayev Sherzod Sobirjonovich , Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute, Uzbekistan
Tursunov Axrorbek Aminjon o‘g‘li , Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute, Uzbekistan
Parpiyev Doniyor Xabibullayevich , Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute, Uzbekistan


This article explores the advantages of using SeCube in public administration to ensure information security. SeCube, a comprehensive information security management system, is particularly suited for the unique requirements of public sector entities. The article highlights how SeCube addresses common challenges in public administration, such as data protection, regulatory compliance, and secure communication. The focus is on SeCube’s capabilities in risk assessment, incident management, policy implementation, and compliance monitoring, providing insights into its role in enhancing the security posture of public sector organizations.



SeCube, Public Administration, Information Security


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Sharibayev Nosir Yusupjanovich, Djurayev Sherzod Sobirjonovich, Tursunov Axrorbek Aminjon o‘g‘li, & Parpiyev Doniyor Xabibullayevich. (2023). THE ADVANTAGES OF USING SECUBE IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION TO ENSURE INFORMATION SECURITY. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 5(12), 77–79.