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Normurod Avazov , Associate Professor Of The University Of Geological Sciences, Candidate Of Philological Sciences, Uzbekistan


The author has studied the views of Makhmudhoja Behbudi on the independence of Turkestan. It pays special attention to the question of nation and nationality. Also, the political, economic, spiritual and educational directions of the author Behbudi’s publicism in the Turkestan region are analyzed as the main part of his progressive work. At the same time, it was studied that the introduction of the educational system in a new way, the literacy of the local people, and the promotion of science and enlightenment are among the main issues in the Turkestan region. Basically, it is aimed to convey Behbudi’s views on the need to spread enlightenment through school, press, and stage to the students. It is shown in practice that the main idea in Behbudi’s work is the struggle for the independence of Turkestan and the grief of the nation.


Turkestan, progressive, nation


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Normurod Avazov. (2023). TURKESTAN AND MAKHMUDHOJA BEHBUDI. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 5(09), 75–80.