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Dr Adil Kariev , Candidate Of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, The Al-Biruni Institute Of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan


This article discusses the marriage issues in Beruni’s “Hindistan” and Burhan al-Din al-Marghinani’s “al-Hidaya”. Family and marriage issues have gone through certain stages in all nations until they acquired certain moral and spiritual criteria to one degree or another. It is mentioned in the work “Hindistan” that the people living in the mountains from the Panchhar region to Kashmir considered it necessary and obligatory to multiply with their biological brothers and take one wife. In our article, we also aimed to do a comparative analysis of the issues of family and marriage among Indians mentioned in the work “Hindistan”, and the methods of solving this issue among Muslims, based on the work “al-Hidaya” by Burhan al-Din al-Marghinani.


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Dr Adil Kariev. (2023). MARRIAGE ISSUES IN BERUNI’S “HINDISTAN” AND MARGHINANI’S “AL-HIDAYA”. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 5(09), 24–28.