Khojaniyazov Sardor Umarovich , Doctor Of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Urgench State University, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan Sharipova Fazilat Ollaberganovna , Independent Student, Urgench State University, UzbekistanAbstract
In this article, methods of modernizing the education of the "Biology" department of Urganch State University in order to ensure the conditions for the formation and development of alternative models of the professional and personal growth of teachers for today based on the principles of training and sustainability of the new generation of biology teachers. was studied. In order to ensure sustainable development, ideas and methods of integrating education and professional training of future biology teachers were defined. The factor forming the methodical system of preparation for professional activity is the idea of combining an active approach to knowledge acquisition with their moral reflection, awareness of personal value in professional and everyday life.
Future biology teacher, education, training
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