Daniela Ebner , Department of Educational Technology, Graz University of Technology, Graz, AustriaAbstract
The global refugee crisis has brought to the forefront the need to provide meaningful and sustainable opportunities for refugees to rebuild their lives and integrate into new societies. This research paper presents a framework for implementing collaborative coding programs in higher education institutions, aimed at empowering refugees with coding skills. The proposed framework is designed to foster a supportive learning environment that addresses the unique challenges faced by refugee students and promotes their socio-economic inclusion. Through partnerships between higher education institutions, non-governmental organizations, and the tech industry, this framework aims to offer comprehensive coding education and support services to refugees. By combining technical training with language and cultural support, as well as mentorship opportunities, the collaborative coding program seeks to equip refugees with marketable skills and prepare them for success in the digital economy. This research examines the potential impact of such initiatives on refugee empowerment, social integration, and long-term self-sufficiency. The findings serve as a valuable resource for institutions and organizations seeking to contribute to refugee empowerment through education and technological training.
Refugees, Collaborative coding programs, Higher education institutions
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