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Roman Oliynyk , Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University Chernivtsi Ukraine, Ukraine


This study investigates the impact of credit-unit system education on the preparation of dental students. The credit-unit system is an alternative educational approach that assigns credits to courses based on the expected learning outcomes and workload. This research aims to explore how the credit-unit system influences the level of preparedness among dental students in their academic and clinical training. By examining students' perceptions and experiences, this study provides insights into the effectiveness of the credit-unit system in equipping dental students with the necessary knowledge and skills for their future dental practice. The findings have implications for dental education curriculum design and can contribute to the ongoing efforts to enhance the educational experience and outcomes of dental students.


Credit-unit system, dental education, dental students


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Roman Oliynyk. (2023). EXAMINING THE IMPACT OF CREDIT-UNIT SYSTEM EDUCATION ON THE PREPARATION OF DENTAL STUDENTS. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 5(07), 59–62.