Nsairun Leonard Yuyun , Ph.D Fellow, Department Of Counselling Psychology University Of Bamenda, Cameron Kongnyuy Patrick Wanyu , Professor Of Educaion, University Of Bamenda, Cameroon Asangha Ngufor Muki , Lecturer (Ph.D), Faculty Of Education, University Of Bamenda, CameroonAbstract
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between distributive justice and the psychological well-being of teachers in the Archdiocese of Bamenda North West Region of Cameroon. The main research question for the study was to find out the effect of distributive justice on the psychological well-being of teachers in the Archdiocese of Bamenda, North West Region of Cameroon. The study employed a cross sectional survey research design. The sample for the study comprised of 270 male and female teachers working in Catholic nursery, primary and secondary schools within the Mankon and Bambui Deaneries of the Archdiocese of Bamenda. Data was analysed using descrpive and inferential statistics. Quantitative data were analyzed using the linear regression technique. Findings revealed that 65% of teachers’ responses indicated dissatisfaction with distributive justice in the Catholic Education Agency of the Archdiocese of Bamenda and also that there was no relationship between distributive justice and the psychological well-being of teachers and thus no significant effect of distributive justice on the psychological well-being of teachers of the Archdiocese of Bamenda. Based on the findings, the study recommended that the government should effectively follow-up, monitor and audit the channels of paying subvention funds to beneficiary private sector teachers to ensure that the money reaches the intended beneficiaries uncompromised. The study further recommended that private sector education employers should uphold honesty, accountability and transparency in the management of subventions and payment of salaries to teachers and that they allow private sector education teachers to exercise their right to form trade union to defend their labour interests.
Distributive Justice, Teachers’ Psychological Wellbeing.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Nsairun Leonard Yuyun, Kongnyuy Patrick Wanyu, Asangha Ngufor Muki

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