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Dr Umar Mohammed Ali , Lecturer City University Cambodia Africa Campus, Department Business Administration, Cambodia


Most historians believe that Islam originated in Mecca and Medina at the start of the 7th century CE. Muslims regard Islam as a return to the original faith of the Abrahamic prophets, such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, and Jesus, with the submission (Islām) to the will of God. This papers focused on the history of the founder and leader of Islam , prophet Muhammad (SAW ) he is honest , Humble , Dedicated , Trustworthy to every man kind .

Muhammad (PBUH) Was Given the Name ‘The Trustworthy’  In Medina, Muhammad (PBUH) earned a reputation for someone who was honest and could be trusted, especially by the Jewish population, and he was highly respected by everyone. Thus, he was given the name ‘The Trustworthy’.

Muhammad (PBUH) Married his First Wife, Nana Khadija,

At aged 25, the Prophet (PBUH) was proposed to by Mama Khadija, aged 40 at the time, and accepted her hand in marriage. She would be the Prophet’s (PBUH) only wife for 25 years before her death in 619 AD, the same year as Muhammad’s (PBUH) uncle died – this was known as the year of sorrows.


Islam, History, Prophet


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Dr Umar Mohammed Ali. (2023). A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE LEADER AND FOUNDER OF ISLAM PROPHET MUHAMMAD (SAW). The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 5(07), 05–10.