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Main Directions Of Optimization Of Russian Language Teaching To Veterinary Students At University On The Basis Of Act

Nazirova Zilola Rasulovna , Tashkent Branch SAMVMI, Russian Language Teacher, Uzbekistan


The article deals with the use of modern information and communication technologies in the teaching of Russian language to students of veterinary specialties at the university. Information competence, which has become one of the main indicators of quality education, is one of the main conditions of modern education, the formation of which is directly related to the active participation of students in an open information and educational environment. Modern information and communication technologies allow you to develop unique didactic conditions and create regulation, in individual educational orbits.


Informatization of education, information and communication technologies


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Nazirova Zilola Rasulovna. (2020). Main Directions Of Optimization Of Russian Language Teaching To Veterinary Students At University On The Basis Of Act. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(11), 607–610.