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This article discusses the role and importance of the credit-module system in higher education; priorities; It is scientifically and methodologically substantiated that one of the positive aspects of the credit system is the organization of teaching on th

Nosirova Dilnoza Toir Qizi , Teacher At The Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
Kamolova Aziza Pardaboyevna , Teacher At The Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
Qazibekov Musaxon Qudratillayevich , Teacher At The Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


This article discusses the role and importance of the credit-module system in higher education; priorities; It is scientifically and methodologically substantiated that one of the positive aspects of the credit system is the organization of teaching on the basis of credit-module system in the development of knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies of students.


Credit - modular system, module


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Nosirova Dilnoza Toir Qizi, Kamolova Aziza Pardaboyevna, & Qazibekov Musaxon Qudratillayevich. (2020). This article discusses the role and importance of the credit-module system in higher education; priorities; It is scientifically and methodologically substantiated that one of the positive aspects of the credit system is the organization of teaching on th. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(11), 458–462.