The Interpretation Of The Concept Of Love Related To Of Human's Emotions In English And Uzbek
Mardiev To’lqin Kulibayevich , Head Lecturer Of SamISI (PhD), Uzbekistan , UzbekistanAbstract
Emotions are an important part of human life. People are subject to both positive and negative emotions. Which one of them is more prevalent depends on a person’s lifestyle, his environment and his attitude towards life. It is no secret that only a person can experience a huge amount of emotions. No living thing in the world has such property. Although the disagreements between the learned brethren have not yet subsided, many are inclined to believe that our younger, more advanced brethren are capable of experiencing some emotion. All in all, in this article I would like illustrate the concept of the concept of love related to the human emotions in English and Uzbek languages.
Emotions, love
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