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Models Of State Sports Policy (Content Analysis)

Olim Neymatovich Akhmedov , Teacher Of The Department Of Social Sciences, Uzbek State University Of World Languages, Uzbekistan


In order to determine the limits of state intervention in the field of physical culture and sports, it is necessary to study the model of the relationship between the state and sports. This article also examines interventionist, non-interventionist, and mixed models in the implementation of public sports policy. It also analyzes the problems of state and non-state sports, the fact that despite the parallel existence of state and non-state sports, regardless of the sources and nature of funding, they are the object of public policy.


Sports, physical education


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Olim Neymatovich Akhmedov. (2020). Models Of State Sports Policy (Content Analysis). The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(11), 389–394.