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On The Stages Of The Ancient History Of The Tashkent Oasis

Rahmon Ziyodullaevich Ibragimov , National Center Of Archaeology Of The Academy Of Sciences Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan


This article covers the issues of cultural development of the Tashkent oasis from the Bronze Age to antiquity. It contains a brief history of the archeological excavations carried out on the monuments of these periods, a description of the ideas put forward by the research scientist on the basis of their results and findings. The researchers' conclusions on the periodic date and economic issues of the history of the oasis were critically approached, new ideas were supplemented on the basis of comparative analysis, and enriched with the author's conclusions.


Tashkent oasis, Bronze Age


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Rahmon Ziyodullaevich Ibragimov. (2020). On The Stages Of The Ancient History Of The Tashkent Oasis. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(11), 86–92.