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The Role Of Education Reform In Uzbekistan In Reducing Youth Delinquency

Tojibayev Bakhromjon Turabayevich , Namangan Institute Of Engineering And Technology Department Of "Humanities" PhD In Sociology, Uzbekistan
Azimov Ashirali Mexmonboevich , Teacher Of The Department Of Social Sciences And Humanities, Andijan State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


The article assesses the importance of education in the modern world and its role in reducing youth deviation as a social institution. Education reforms in Uzbekistan emphasize the quality of reducing the deviation of young people by increasing the efficiency of "human capital".


Education, human capital


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Tojibayev Bakhromjon Turabayevich, & Azimov Ashirali Mexmonboevich. (2020). The Role Of Education Reform In Uzbekistan In Reducing Youth Delinquency. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(11), 73–78.