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Religious Policy In Turkestan In The 20s Of The Xx Century

Isakova Feruza Rakhmanovna , Lecturer At The Department Of World History Of Andijan State University, Andijan Region, Republic Of Uzbekistan


This article reveals the policy of the Soviet government in relation to Islam in the 1920 of the XX century. This policy was initially dual in nature, that is, on the one hand, the Bolsheviks established strict control in the Muslim regions of Russia, on the other hand, until a certain time Muslims were allowed to follow their traditions and customary norms of life. However, in the second half of the 20 after strengthening its position, the Soviet government began to implement the policy of atheism everywhere in order to finally put an end to religion.


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Isakova Feruza Rakhmanovna. (2020). Religious Policy In Turkestan In The 20s Of The Xx Century. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(11), 261–268.