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Some Morphological Characteristics Of Uzbek Dialects

Rakhmonov Navruz Sattorovich , (Phd) Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


It is well known that dialects are an invaluable spiritual heritage that preserves the mental characteristics of the people. Therefore, the collection of dialect materials and their study in modern areas, along with traditional methods of linguistics and draws scientific conclusions. In Uzbek linguistics, one of the priorities is the creation of dictionaries on dialects and the creation of dialectal atlases. In this article, some morphological features of Uzbek dialects are analyzed in lingvoareal, comparative-historical and descriptive methods.


Dialect, dialectal atlas


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Rakhmonov Navruz Sattorovich. (2020). Some Morphological Characteristics Of Uzbek Dialects. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(11), 219–223.