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Arabic Linguistics In Central Asia

Kasimova Sarvinoz , (Phd) Lecturer Of Arabic Department, Tashkent State University Of Oriental Studies Uzbekistan


Arabic translation which was created in the Middle century can be weird for that means, “the basic tree of knowledge is in Makke but its harvest ripens in Khuroson”. However it’s essential not to forget that Transoxiana took the main place in Muslim’s Asia until the conquering of Mongols. Nishopur was the place where all scientists of Iran and Central Asian gathered and all Transoxianamosques were full of with the students who came far from countries.  Samarkand, Bukhara, Urgench were in competition with each other about science and culture for many years, also cities of Transoxiana were ahead of in nature , poems, sarv and nakhv. Central Asian scientists were active in many branches, especially at math, astronomy, medicine history, geography and philology (Arabian, Persian) from VIII century till XIII.


Arabic linguistics, , Arabic translation


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Kasimova Sarvinoz. (2020). Arabic Linguistics In Central Asia. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(11), 207–213.